Our Guide To
Coffee Machines

About Our Coffee Machines

Become your own barista with our extensive range of coffee machines, whether you opt for a classic filter coffee machine, a super smart bean to cup machine or even a simple yet versatile pod coffee machine – you’ll be left making perfect hot beverages time and time again.

Our Coffee Machine Categories

Our Coffee Machines are broken up into several category types, so whether it’s an espresso machine you’re looking for, or even an iced coffee maker; you’ll know exactly where you can find them.

Bean To Cup Coffee Machines are a great choice for those who enjoy their barista style beverages without all of the steps in between. As the name implies, these machines are designed to grind, press and brew all in one go, so all that’s left for you to do is enjoy.

View Bean To Cup Coffee Machines

Espresso Coffee Machines work by forcing hot water through ground coffee beans and a filter, these machines are not only fast but also easy to use leaving little to no manual work to be done. These Espresso Coffee Machines will leave you with a delicious fresh barista style espresso, Perfect for those needing a pick-me-up.

View Espresso Coffee Machines

Filter Coffee Machines are the classic way of creating a great tasting coffee, these machines slowly pass hot water over coffee grounds into the jug below leaving you with the perfect brew. These are great for those households that are big coffee drinkers as the jug allows for you to make more than one beverage at a time.

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The popularity of iced coffees and other iced drinks have sky-rocketed in the more recent years, now you can create the perfect iced beverage at home thanks to our Iced Coffee Machines. Start with a freshly brewed coffee, and let these machines do the rest, top it off with some ice and enjoy your freshly poured iced coffee.

View Iced Coffee Makers

Pod Coffee machines are a great option for the everyday coffee lover, these machines use pods containing your coffee ingredients which will leave you with a perfect beverage in seconds. What’s more is that these machines are super easy to use and require little maintenance, just pop out the used pod to make room for a new one. 

View Pod Coffee Machines

Coffee Machine Features

Whilst looking for a new machine you may come across varying features and specifications, let us help explain some of the key points so you can ensure you’re getting the best product for you.

BAR Pressures Explained

The BAR pressure measurement, or also know as the barometric pressure is the pressure of which water is being pushed through the coffee grounds, whilst there are strong recommendations of which is best for varying drinks its ultimately up to you to decide based on how you like your brew.

BAR Pressure
Low (7 BAR & Below) Lower bar pressures produce a milder and more delicate flavour, the reduced water pressure allows for a slower extraction process, this can be a desirable pressure for certain coffee flavour profiles that may be overshadowed by a higher pressure brewing process.
Medium (7 - 11 BAR) 7 - 11 bars is typically considered the optimal levels for extracting the best flavour from your coffee grounds, with 9 being the recommended pressure for espresso making. This pressure of extraction will offer you a full bodied well rounded brew.
High (11 BAR & Over) Higher bar pressure tends to result in a more intense flavour, this is because the water is being forced through the coffee grounds with more force extracting a greater amount of of the compounds found in coffee. It is worth noting however if your pressure is too high it can lead to a more bitter brew.

Whilst some machines will boast a higher BAR level, this isn’t necessarily an important factor to take into consideration as most commonly, people will only ever use it to a certain pressure. Instead look to coffee machines that have a good, consistent pressure so that you can enjoy your coffee with no bumps in the process.

Features You Should Look Out For

Automatic and Manual Milk Frothers are a great addition to your coffee machine, this will allow you to make other milky coffee drinks including cappuccinos, lattes or even a macchiato. Milk frothers work by mixing together your choice of milk, air and hot steam, what’s more is they work wonderfully with many milk substitutes although it is advised against using rice milk in these appliances.

Having a built in Coffee Bean Grinder and Tamper will save you the hassle of grinding and packing the coffee beans by hand, meaning you can say goodbye to the manual work whilst still enjoying your favourite drinks.

High tech machines are becoming more common in the world of coffee, with some boasting touch screen menus, pre-saved settings for the perfect variation of drinks and some even having a memory function allowing you to save your very own personal preferences, giving you the perfect coffee, just how you like it – every time.

Coffee Machines that have a Thermoblock heating system are incredibly fast to heat up and do so efficiently, these machines heat your water to the optimal temperature for making coffee which is around 90-95 degrees. This will ensure that your coffee grounds never burn or leave a bitter taste.

Whilst there are a wide selection of Pod Coffee Machines, its important to remember that not all of these machines will take the same style of pod. We recommend finding a Pod Coffee Machine by starting with the brand of coffee pods you prefer best and will offer you the variety of beverages that you’re looking for. Once you’re set on which brand you like the most, you’ll then be able to find many compatible machines with this brand.

The Magimix Nespresso Vertuo in Chrome

Coffee Types

Whilst our range of machines are designed to make outstanding coffees time and time again, the journey to the perfect coffee begins with the ingredients you use, find out below about coffee types, their perks, and how they are best used.

For those who enjoy the freshest of coffees and appreciate a start to finish, or “bean to cup” process, you’ll want to start off your coffee journey with fresh coffee beans, what’s  more is that coffee beans are available in a large variety, opening up doors to new flavour profiles and aromas. Whole coffee beans are best suited for Bean To Cup Coffee Machines, however you can use a coffee grinder to make ground coffee perfect for using in Espresso Machines and Filter Coffee Machines.

Ground Coffee is a convenient alternative to Coffee beans for those who are more limited on time or may lack the resources. Not only will you save time by using a pre-ground coffee, but ultimately you’ll require less machinery, and it will be less hassle brewing up your favourite drinks in the morning. Coffee grounds come in a consistent grind which will work best in espresso machines and filter coffee machines.

Pre-filled Coffee Pods work exclusively with pod coffee machines, they are the best option for those looking for a wide variety of drinks and a quick brewing process. Making your favourite hot drink is as simple as picking your pod and popping it into the machine. Coffee Pods are pre-filled capsules containing all of the ingredients needed to make your beverages, leaving you with a simple user friendly process, great hot drinks from big brands and best of all they leave little to no mess.

Which Coffee Should I Use?

Whether you make a decision based on what coffee machine type you’d like or what style of coffee you prefer, here our reccomendations for pairings that go hand-in-hand.

Coffee Machine Type Coffee Type
Bean To Cup Machines Whole Coffee Beans
Espresso Machines Ground Coffee
Filter Coffee Machines Ground Coffee
Iced Coffee Makers Ground Coffee
Pod Coffee Machines Coffee Pods

If you are looking to use whole coffee beans but are not looking for a bean to cup machine, you can use separate coffee grinders and tampers to create your own ground coffee.

Tips & Advice

Here are some things to think over before looking for your perfect coffee machine.

  • You’ll want to ensure that you have enough counter space for your desired coffee machine. For those looking for a professional machine and have a larger counter space for it, look to our bean-to-cup machines, or for those looking for a space saving solution whilst still offering a variety of barista style drinks, look to our Pod Coffee Machines.
  •  You should base your coffee machine options around the requirements that you are looking to be met, for example Filter coffee machines are great at making an entire pot of coffee at once, which works great for larger households who are all looking to get their morning pick me up in a hurry. For those who may be looking to take a more hands on approach and perfect their craft, an espresso machine would be recommended for its manual approach towards the creation of coffee.
  • How much you are willing to put into your new coffee machine will have an impact on the type you choose. Higher end, tech-filled coffee machines can be on the more expensive side,  which is a worth-while investment if you’re passionate about the creation of your beverages. Pod machines and filter coffee machines on the other hand tend to be on the less expensive side, making them a perfect option for those looking for a low cost no-nonsense easy brew.

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Get in touch with our helpful team today for any questions or professional advice.