New Kitchen & Bathroom Contract Department

- Expansion & Focus On Service -

We are excited to announce that our Kitchen & Bathroom Contract businesses have come together, evolved, and two smaller teams have merged to form one new, larger department that is focused on the needs of our customers.

In recent years, our Bathroom Contract business has grown at La Collette under Leeroy Guille’s management to a team of three, while the Kitchen Contract Team at Dumaresq Street has also grown in terms of business and people under Mike Alderman’s management.

It therefore made so much sense to bring these two contract teams together in one location, delivering cohesive sales and service to all areas of the construction industry for these products and services.

Mike Alderman (& his team of Sean Kelly, Colin Le Marinel & Keith Highfield) have now relocated to the growing La Collette Trade Centre to form one Kitchen & Bathroom Contract Team.
They join Leeroy’s team of Josh Wallace and Callum Healy, operating in the same offices, on the same projects, in a cohesive way for our client’s benefit. 

In light of these changes, we are happy to announce additional positive news regarding Leeroy Guille’s promotion to the management position in the newly formed Contracts Department at the Trade Centre. Josh Wallace will also be promoted to Bathroom Contract Assistant Manager at the same time, serving as Leeroy’s right-hand man in the Bathroom Contracts and working alongside Mike Alderman in his position as Kitchen Contract Manager.

Team Contact Details

For all your kitchen & bathroom needs, please contact Leeroy and his team, who are ready to assist you in any way!

Kitchen & Bathroom
Management Team

From Left to Right: 
Josh, Leeroy & Mike
(Based at La Collette)

Kitchen & Bathroom
Contract Team

From Left to Right:
Mike, Colin, Keith, Leeroy, Josh, Callum, Sean
(Based at La Collette)

In times where quality of service, products, price and professionalism are paramount, we believe this will further strengthen our ability to add value to your business and projects. 

We look forward to hearing from you.